Image Credit: Catherine Kay Greenup


The other day, there was a tragedy in our community. Two women, both in their 50’s, were walking in our neighborhood as they often do, when they were randomly hit by a car. The driver had lost control of her vehicle hitting them both. The women were walking to the local community center to volunteer in a soup kitchen that afternoon.

The first woman that got hit lost her life. The second, was dispatched from the hospital with thankfully, no severe injuries. I keep hearing Sting’s song “How Fragile We Are” playing over and over again in my head. The words ring true, but it doesn’t really hit you until loss gets up close and personal.

That evening I was on my way home from an enlightening event, feeling uplifted and in a wonderful mood. My husband called to tell me about the terrible tragedy. I felt as if someone had punched me in the gut, which left me reeling between shock and disbelief. My family and I, as well as our community at large, are heartbroken. Many of us are trying to make sense of it all.

This stark reminder of life’s fragility, and this sudden dose of reality, has served to remind me that each day we’re given is a gift that deserves our full appreciation and gratitude. We’re here today but tomorrow is not guaranteed. As we grasp for the light in the darkness, there’s the realization that we have to be present to each day as if it may be our last. Love fiercely, forgive everyone, life’s too short to bear grudges. Hold your dear ones even closer as you become more aware of the importance of the moment, for we never know when our time is up.

Recognizing that I have more years behind me than in front, a quote by Horace Mann hits me with greater urgency and best expresses what I’ve felt for the longest time, but had no words for. “Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.”



ConsciousCapitalism by Bonnie Meisels
ConsciousCapitalism by Bonnie Meisels

Written by ConsciousCapitalism by Bonnie Meisels

Passionately curious, How do we make a difference? Foodie, PropertyPeoplePlanet using real estate to give back to community

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