Lessons From My Cat
I love my family. That goes without saying. My children are wonderful, blah, blah, blah. But let’s face it, who else was more excited to see me then my cat?
My cat thought he was a dog. He never read the cat manual, in fact, he threw it away altogether. My cat followed me everywhere and never liked being alone. He was more like a velcro cat.
His name was Toby and he all he wanted to do was play, cuddle, express his love, and spend his days being loved and adored by me and my family. We were lucky to have him grace our lives for a little more than 12 years.
Everytime me or one of my kids came close to entering the house, we could hear Toby flying down the stairs in a flurry of happy yapping and full on excitment. He’d brush his tiny furry body past our legs as his way of greeting us and saying hello.
That greeting was priceless! It was filled with an abundance of unconditional love and purity. Toby could always sense when one of us wasn’t feeling well and he’d intuitively stay by our side, purring.
It was sometimes overwhelming, the realization of just how dependant this little creature was upon us. He was part of our family, the baby we adopted. Having been diagnosed with kidney cancer, losing him left a giant hole in all our hearts. But we are grateful for the 12 years of joy he brought to our family. This furbaby not only taught us about love in it’s pure form, but the innocence of spirit and preciousness of all life.