The Gift of Aging
When you realize you have more years behind you than in front of you, there’s a major shift. You start to realize that time is short and the most precious resource you possess. It’s not that you didn’t realize it before, you just didn’t experience it the way you do now.
For myself, it’s not a fear of death, but the last mile dash to live and accomplish some big life goals. Is there such a thing as a cut off point in terms of age? We tell ourselves or we let others tell us that we’re too old to start or we’re being ridiculous. I can’t say it doesn’t give me pause for thought. But then again, one of the benefits of aging is the license to listen to your own inner compass to decide what’s right for you.
There’s a sense of freedom that comes with aging. I’ve grown to appreciate my wrinkles and imperfections as they serve as landmarks of time. There’s a freedom in relinquishing the struggle to maintain a non aging body or face…I gave up the idea of making the swimsuit cover of Sports Illustrated a long time ago. Some of that energy is free to focus on things like inner exploration. Learning about the mind, eating well, staying physically fit and having more energy.
There’s an urgency or a heightened awareness of time passing and how sacred it is. I’ve learned that tomorrow is not guaranteed, so appreciate the moment in all it’s beauty and abundance. Of course that’s easier said than done as it requires being present as much as possible, moment by moment. One of the books I highly recommend, is by John Kabat-Zinn, Wherever You Go There You Are. The title is self explanatory.
Aging well has 5 main pillars:
Food: You are what you eat
Movement: I don’t care what you do, just move everyday. Science shows that over exercising creates more harm than good. Besides, if I end up injuring myself, I’ve defeated the purpose of working out in the first place.
Connection: As much quality time as possible with those I care about.
Contribution: Meaningful work and helping others.
Mindfulness: The cultivation of one’s own connection to self and the great mystery of this magical planet. The joy of discovering your inner voice.
Stay tuned for my upcoming newsletter The Gift of Aging containing the latest research on nutrition, fitness, skincare, sleep, mindfulness, tips for navigating the black box of menopause, and important info to protect your health. Click here to sign up for early access and get notified when the first edition is live.