The Water Wizard and the Majesty of Water
I don’t know about you, but I’ve been fascinated with water my entire life. Water always seemed to have this magical and mysterious quality about it. After all, humans are 60 percent or more water and the earth herself, more than 70 percent. In my late 40’s, my curiousity about water even drove me to take a chemistry class so I could acquire a more scientific understanding. Although the class was awesome, I still came away thinking that humanity had barely touched the surface of the true miracle of water.
What if I told you that almost a century ago our current water crisis was predicted and foretold along with how and why this would come to pass.
Viktor Schauberger, born in Holzschlag, Austria in 1885, was a forester, brilliant inventor, naturalist, philosopher, and biomimicry experimenter. As the fifth of nine children in his family, Schauberger’s innovative ideas and groundbreaking inventions have left an enduring impact in the world. A forester by trade but a naturalist at heart, he drew his inspiration directly from nature, delving deep into the secrets of water, unveiling its mysteries not through the cold detached lens of conventional science, but with the warmth and wonder of a man who saw himself as part of the natural tapestry he studied. His was a world where water was not merely a resource to be harnessed, but a living, breathing entity, deserving of awe and respect.
As a forester, Schauberger was a keen observer of how water behaved in the untouched pristine forest. His insights into the natural movement of water challenged the prevailing norms of his time and ours. He argued that water, when allowed to flow freely and organically as it does in nature, maintains its vitality and purity. He noted that there were no straight lines in nature. All of life, from trees to the lines on the palm of your hand, are branched. In stark contrast, the straight pipe designs of our current plumbing fixtures used to transport water throughout our modern civilization along with the use of dams, he predicted, would strip water of its life-giving properties and lead to catastrophic drought.
“The Upholder of the Cycles which supports the whole of Life, is water. In every drop of water dwells the Godhead, whom we all serve; there also dwells Life, the Soul of the First substance — Water — whose boundaries and banks are the capillaries that guide it and in which it circulates. More energy is encapsulated in every drop of good spring water than an average-sized Power Station is presently able to produce.” Viktor Schauberger
Viktor became head forest warden in Brunnenthall-Steyerling in 1920 after world war 1, of the beautiful and vast estate of a German prince, Adolf von Schaumburg-Lippe. Schauberger was given 20,000 hectares of almost untouched forest belonging to the Prince to care for.
Due to increasing financial pressures, the Prince wanted to turn the timber in Schauberger’s forest into fast cash. The high cost of transport from the remote forest threatened to consume most of the profits.
Schauberger declared that he could reduce the transport costs from 12 to 1 Austrian Schilling per cubic meter. Due to Schauberger’s years of study of the water flow in streams he concluded that water ‘recharges’ itself with a natural magnetism through its meandering. This magnetic power contracts the water molecules, causing them to densify and have greater ‘carrying power’, and this process can be used to transport logs out of the forest.
His log flume invention allowed reduced transportation costs for lumber to one-tenth of the original sum. In a totally unique way, he succeeded to float heavy logs, thicker than 2 feet, on a thin layer of ‘imploded’ water, of barely one foot. His unique designs of the log flume greatly reduced the cost of bringing trees out of inaccessible mountains, with no damage to the timber. The solution followed the twists and turns of the mountain valleys “because, quite naturally, the water has shown us itself the way it wants to go, for its needs to be optimally fulfilled, and we should follow its wishes. For it is not technology’s task to correct nature, but to copy it.”
While bulding his log flumes for Austria, Bulgaria, Bosnia, and Czechoslovakia, Schauberger increasingly warned about the destruction caused by the clearing of forests. He foretold that it would cause a loss of healthy water downstream and eventually, drought.
“Every economic death of a people is always preceded by the death of its forests. Reckless deforestation results in the drying out of mountain sources, dying of whole forests, uncontrollable mountain streams, silting of water and the sinking of subterranean water stores near where human interference took place”.
The log flume system was just one of his inventions. As an early pioneer of thermodynamic physics and hydroengineering, many of his ideas have contributed to the further development of physics and bio-regulatory medicine. This is particularly true of the medicinal and unique properties of water implosion — vortexed water. He went on to build a water turbine to produce hydroelectricity and created patents for water engineering and turbines, as well as the copper bio plough for agricultural use.
Viktor Schauberger shows us that we need to copy Nature in design and movement as the potential for creation. He criticized our present mechanistic view and exploitation of Nature, which he said will eventually evolve into an environmental disaster. Our culture thinks of Nature as being like a big machine that can be manipulated and its resources extracted for our greed, rather than a creative system that has a purpose. Schauberger suggested we should be working with the laws of natural forces instead of using wasted explosive energy to oppose them.
Vortexed water or structured water units have been proven to dramatically reduce or eliminate pathogenic organisms as well as toxic chemicals. This water can be used in gardens and lawns and on houseplants, fruits and vegetables. Structured water is naturally softened, and the water is brought to a natural pH balance.
By uncovering that which was already known to the Incas, the ancient Cretans, and Tibetan monks, that all water creates vortices, and that if you let it flow naturally, you might just experience some real miracles. Schauberger left behind an inheritance of incalculable worth, insights which still inspire and form the building blocks of the most astounding developments.
His intuitive sensing and exploration into the intensive dimensions and living intelligence of Nature, has produced a cumulative body of wise and practical initiatives containing life-affirming regenerative solutions for the environmental and energy problems facing our culture and the Earth.
How could the Nikola Tesla of water, often referred to as “the water wizard”, whose work is so profound and important for our current times remain practically unknown or worse, forgotten in our mainstream world. His knowledge is more valuable than ever at this critical juncture on our planet. After reading this article, I’m hoping that will no longer be the case.
There’s so much more to Viktor’s full life story and many details of his inventions, including those that unlock the mystery for us to drink the best, most alive water. I highly recommend further reading about his life and patents.
A list of Books:
- Andersson, Olof: Living Water: Viktor Schauberger and the Secrets of Natural Energy (2002, Gateway Books, ISBN 9780717133901)
- Bartholomew, Alick: Hidden Nature: The Startling Insights of Viktor Schauberger (2004, Floris Books, ISBN 978–0863154324)
- Coats, Callum: Living Energies: An Exposition of Concepts Related to the Theories of Viktor Schauberger (1996, 2001, Gateway Books, ISBN 9780946551972, ISBN 9780717133079)
- Callum Coats is the author of “Living Energies”, a detailed overview of Viktor Schauberger’s theories. He is also the compiler and translator of the Eco-Technology series of four books on Viktor Schauberger’s writings, grouped together more or less according to theme, and comprising of “The Water Wizard”, “Nature as Teacher”, “The Fertile Earth”, and “The Energy Evolution”.
- Cobbald, Jane: Viktor Schauberger: A Life of Learning from Nature (2006, Floris Books, ISBN 9780863155697)
- Schauberger, Viktor: Unsere sinnlose Arbeit — Die Quelle der Weltkrise, Der Aufbau durch Atomverwandlung, nicht Atomzertrümmerung (1933, Krystall-Verlag GmbH, 2001, Jörg Schauberger, ISBN 978–3902262004) (Released in English as “Our Senseless Toil — The Cause of the World Crisis — Progress Through Transformation of the Atom — Not its destruction!”)
- Schauberger, Viktor & Coats, Callum: Eco-Technology 1: The Water Wizard — The Extraordinary Properties of Natural Water (1998, Gateway Books, ISBN 9781858600482)
- Schauberger, Viktor & Coats, Callum: Eco-Technology 2: Nature as Teacher — New Principles in the Working of Nature (1999, Gateway Books, ISBN 9781858600567)
- Schauberger, Viktor & Coats, Callum: Eco-Technology 3: The Fertile Earth — Nature’s Energies in Agriculture, Soil Fertilisation and Forestry (1999, Gateway Books, ISBN 9781858600604)
- Schauberger, Viktor & Coats, Callum: Eco-Technology 4: Energy Evolution — Harnessing Free Energy from Nature (2000, Gateway Books, ISBN 9781858600611)
For Videos:
Viktor Schauberger — Comprehend and Copy Nature (Documentary of 2008)
Engineering Marvels: Viktor Schauberger
The Bio Plough
In German
Images of Viktor Schauberger’s Designs